The FV1000 is ideal for the examination of live specimens in a deep covered container, and allows the use of
high NA oil immersion objectives without disturbing the samples.
We now have stage insert adaptors that allow imaging with 35 mm and 55 mm glass bottomed plates.
- 405 nm diode laser
- 457, 488, 514 nm (Multi-line argon laser)
- 543, and 633 nm (Green and red HeNe lasers)
Other Features
- Motorized stage (Prior) with multi-area time lapse and mosaic image stitching software
- Epifluorescence visualization via eyepieces
- 3 confocal PMT detectors (two with variable band pass filters)
- Transmitted light detector for bright field image acquisition
- DIC available
- Simultaneous 3-color imaging (sequential imaging up to 12 channels)
- Lambda scans with spectral deconvolution
- DIC imaging
- Mosaic imaging
- Time lapse imaging
- 3-dimensional imaging
- Time lapse and 3-D animations
- Densitometry
- X-Z slices
Read protocols for the Olympus FV1000…