IVIS Spectrum Whole Animal Imager
12-24-18 The IVIS will be temporarily run out of the Khurana Lab. Please contact Amin Esmaeilniakooshkghazi ( aesmaeil@Central.UH.EDU ) to make arrangements if you have mice to scan.

- Adjustable field of view from 20 um (for single cells) to 22.5 cm (5 mice)
- Multimodal Imaging- can detect both fluorescent and bioluminescent reporters
- Narrow Band Excitation (415 nm-760 nm) and Emission Filters (490 nm-850 nm) enable spectral scanning over the blue to NIR wavelength region
- Can import and automatically co-register CT or MRI images to yield anatomical context
Imaging Chamber
- Light-tight imaging chamber
- Heavy-duty castors
- Integrated gas anesthesia
- Integrated fluorescence
- LED lamps for photographic images
- Heated stage to maintain optimum body temperature
- Electromagnetic door latch
- Motor-controlled stage, filter wheel, lens position, and f-stop
- Scanning laser for mouse alignment and surface topography
CCD Camera
- Back-thinned, back-illuminated grade 1 CCD provides high quantum efficiency over the entire visible to near-infrared spectrum
- 13.5 micron pixels, 2048 x 2048
- 16-bit digitizer delivers broad dynamic range
- CCD is thermoelectrically (Peltier) cooled to -90 °C , ensuring low dark current and low noise
Custom-Designed Lens
- 6-inch diameter optics, f/1– f/8
- High-resolution - down to 20 microns
- Emission filter wheel with 24 slots